619 Wreath - Changing the Landscape of Academia
Candice Price and I have created a new publishing and consulting company, 619 Wreath, to reshape academia. We wanted to provide opportunities to those who want to publish academic items in non-standard ways, and give consultation that reflects more of a holistic, supportive view of their work. You can find out more on our website.
Undergraduate/ Tertiary/ Post-Secondary Mathematical Creativity
One of my major interests is on mathematical creativity at the undergraduate/graduate level. I am part of a research group, the Creativity Research Group, that looks at the teaching and learning of mathematical creativity. Currently, we have an National Science Foundation grant that allows us to investigate Calculus 1 teaching, including the creation and implementation of creativity-based tasks. We want to see how valuing creativity can have an impact on students' mathematical identities.
Other Research Interests
My other interests, and what I've published in, are: proof, students’ and mathematicians’ proving, logic, technology, the effect of technology on middle school students’ mathematical concept development, inquiry teaching, specifically in proof and proving, and research on undergraduate research opportunities.
Education and Employment
I was born and raised in the Chicagoland area. I moved slightly east to go to college and received my B.S. in mathematics from Ball State University in 2004. After receiving my B.S., I spent a semester teaching Pre-Calculus at the University of Hawaii and a year teaching Algebra at McKinley High School in Honolulu, Hawaii. In 2006 I moved to Las Cruces, New Mexico to start working on my M.S. in Mathematics at New Mexico State University which I completed in 2008. I stayed at NMSU for my doctorate, which I have completed in August of 2012. I was part of a professional development team that concentrates on Calculus TAs at Michigan State University as a post-doctoral fellow. In 2013 I became a tenure-track professor at the University of Oklahoma in the Mathematics Department. In 2018, I achieved tenure and promotion to Associate Professor. Finally, in 2022, I was Director of the FYRE (First-Year Research Engagement) program at OU, and am now the inaugural Director of the UReCA (Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity) Office.